
2009年度第1回講演会(2009年9月24日)にて講師を務めていただいたLee A. Miller博士(南デンマーク大学生物学研究所)より、海洋音響学会誌(海洋音響学会誌, 第37巻, 第3号, 通巻139号)に下記の解説記事を執筆していただきました。

Lee A. Miller, “Prey Capture by Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): A Comparison Between Echolocators in the Field and in Captivity”, J. Marine Acoust. Soc. Jpn., 37(3), 156-168 (2010).


Fig. 5

A harbor porpoise (Eigil) changing the shape of its melon during the production of a click train with high and low rates (inset below). (Video clip at 1/2 normal speed. The suction cups are EEG electrodes recording auditory evoked responses.)

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Fig. 9

Video clip of a harbor porpoise capturing a (dead) fish. The video and sounds are at 1/10th normal speed. Note that echolocation continues after capturing the fish, unlike the case for insectivorous bats (see Figs. 1 and 13).

MP4 format (700.7kB)

Fig. 11

Video clip of a harbor porpoise manipulating a (dead) fish and ingesting it headfirst. The video and sounds are at 20% normal speed. The porpoise is wearing an acoustic tag held on by suction cups.

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以上の全てのビデオクリップの著作権は、Lee A. Miller博士(南デンマーク大学生物学研究所)に帰属します。